Volunteering Activity | Beach Waste Collection

Last 22 September, 2019, Synthesia Technology carried out a beach clean-up in the natural environment of the Besós river mouth, in Sant Adrià de Besós (Barcelona), in collaboration with the Association “Paisaje Limpio”, a local non-profit organization created to promote actions against the uncontrolled dumping of waste and to promote a civic and environmentally friendly culture.

The objective of this volunteering activity was to integrate within the natural environment and to be an educational, environmental awareness and fun day for the employees and their families. In addition, the children were able to participate in the children’s contest Who collects the most waste?

During the day, we proceeded to weigh the collected waste (40 kg) and characterize it. Through the quantitative information obtained, it is possible to define the most abundant waste, its origin and ways of mobilization, so that it is possible to prioritize actions aimed at prevention in its generation.

These recovered wastes will be reincorporated into the production process, thus being able to give a second life to the plastic. All this in order to become aware, learn to recycle and better understand the need to take care of the environment in order to live in a more sustainable and harmonious way.

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