Synthesia and Kingspan sponsor the 1st Rowing and Paddling Regatta

On October 2nd 2021, the 1st Rowing and Paddling Regatta (ReMAR) was held at the Barcelona Municipal Nautical Base with Kingspan and Synthesia Technology as main sponsors.

The regatta was organised with the aim of promoting exchanges, synergies, interest and knowledge of various disciplines that have in common the same type of propulsion: boats propelled by the muscular force of one or more crew members using oars or paddles, such as: Currach (traditional from Ireland), Llaüt (traditional from Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Ebro Delta and Valencia), Coastal rowing, Kayak, Trainera (traditional from the Cantabrian Sea, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England) and Stand-up paddle.

The event combined speed sporting competition with entertainment and activities such as workshops, initiation, science, gastronomy, music and art for participants of all ages. In addition, some of those present had the opportunity to paddle the boats that had been used during the competition.

The regatta was organised by the cultural association IOMRAMH, founded in Barcelona by Mark Redden, artist and builder of Currachs, traditional Irish rowing boats, handmade and used for centuries by the inhabitants of the west coast of Ireland.

For the last 10 years, the cultural association IOMRAMH has also been organising a Currachs Regatta on St. Patrick’s Day, patron saint of Ireland (17th March), the only event of its kind in the Mediterranean Sea focused on the Irish culture and with the aim of preserving the manufacture and maintenance of these traditional boats, as well as raising awareness of the need to conserve and take care of our natural environment.

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