Certifications of the Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System
The Synthesia Technology Group is fully committed to Quality and to strict compliance with Safety and the Environment. To ensure that the entire organization is aligned with this commitment, we have an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System certified under the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
CSTB Evaluation
Synthesia Technology holds the certification Document Technique d’Application (DTA) awarded by the French Organism CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) for its polyurethane system application on floors.
This certificate is a verification system that includes product and installation, therefore Synthesia has implemented a system of management, training and monitoring for all those applicators who voluntarily adhere to our DTA (Document Technique d’Application).
The network of applicators under a DTA (Document Technique d’Application) is subject to an exhaustive control and monitoring by the external body AENOR.